The Old Biscuit Mill Outing


University has got me stuck in a rut. The routine continues... Wake up, university, work, eat, sleep, repeat. I often feel my life is so set and organised by the hour that I often do not get time to relax and smell the roses. Every semester I vow to myself that I am going to "turn over a new leaf" by getting fit and socialising more. And so far no luck... One gym session in four weeks. I shall get there, right? 

Anyway, I feel as writing a blog lets my creativity flow. Even reading my favourite bloggers on a daily basis puts me in a better mood. Often I feel the most inspired (to write a blog post) after spending the day at a market. Cape Town is full of rich and vibrant markets that are filled with a diversity of cultures and people. One of the most famous markets is The Old Biscuit Mill. Every time I go there my creative juices start flowing.

My family and I, the other weekend, went there on an outing. The smell of the food was mouth watering. I instantly started to become hunger and looked for my meal. This was probably one of my favourite family outings we have been on. All four of us were beaming with smiles as we explored the stores to find our perfect meal. The range of delicacies is so vast that an indecisive person, like myself, often takes a very long time to decide what to eat. 

I find that days like these I often treasure because it reminds me of all the happy memories that my family and I share together. Hopefully because I am writing a blogpost about it, I shall never forget it. A blog is like a diary? Just public...